Welcome to Vamos Homes FAQs! Your go-to resource for quick answers on accommodations, activities, and booking. Let’s make your trip seamless!
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Booking is instant once availability is confirmed. Confirmation typically takes less than one hour, provided it’s between 6 am and 9 pm Kenyan time.
We accept Mpesa, card payments, and bank deposits
Once payment is confirmed, you’ll be connected to your host. Alternatively, for certain listings where we have more control, we’ll send you a pin to facilitate check in.
Yes, for instance, you can book via Mpesa and settle the balance in cash upon arrival.
No, you can pay a 30% to 50% deposit depending on the property and clear the balance upon arrival or according to the host’s policy.
Booking Inquiries
No, you can only make changes once the reservation is declined or accepted by the host.
Navigate to your reservations section in the dashboard menu. Select the reservation you wish to cancel and proceed with the cancellation. Please note that cancellations and refunds are subject to our Cancellation Policy. Always contact us immediately after making a cancellation.
Access the reservation section in your dashboard menu, then select the reservation you’d like to check. The progress status will be displayed.
Access the reservation section within your dashboard menu to find a list of all your reservations.
Upon confirmation of availability for the selected property, you’ll be billed 30% to 50%. The remaining balance is settled upon arrival or according to the host’s policy
Reservation Assistance
If your host cancels, you’ll receive a full refund or be allocated a similar unit in your preferred destination and dates.
While guests and hosts are encouraged to resolve issues amicably, if a solution isn’t reached, please contact our dedicated Resolution Team. They will handle unresolved matters in accordance with our Terms and Policies until a resolution is achieved.
If you happen to leave something behind at the place you stayed, please contact the host immediately to arrange for the item’s retrieval and safekeeping.
Yes, all these apply irrespective of your booking platform, as long as it’s our official booking channel.
To share your experience after your stay, navigate to your dashboard, select the reservation you’d like to review, click on the pen icon to write your review, and then submit it.